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Total du don : €100,00

Help fight Global Warming

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About Campaign

No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what. We’re here no matter what. No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us.

No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what.


Donation Details

From our campaigners and lawyers to local groups and supporters, we push for change on causes that matter to you, like:
  • Protecting your local area and making it more climate friendly.
  • Taking government to court over climate-wrecking projects.
  • Fighting for environmental and social justice globally.
  • Taking government to court over climate-wrecking projects.
  • Fighting for environmental and social justice globally.

What do you love about being a sponsor?


Donation Form

€6.559 de €12.000 collectés

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Informations personnelles

Total du don : €100,00

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No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what. No, Silicon Valley – bugs are not features. Reach out about a technical issue, share your feedback or ask us about our favorite lunch spot in Miami. We’re here no matter what.


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